
Power App -Consume data from COSMOS Database - A globally-distributed, multi-model database service

This post will help you to query data from Cosmos Database- A g lobally-distributed, multi-model database service and display in Power APP. We need to create Power Automate AKA Flow with Cosmos DB connector which is one of the premium connectors available with Power App premium licence. check below link for the pricing of Power APP with premium connectors: So let's open Power APP Home  so that we can start creating Flow. Create a new flow and select cosmos-db connector. There are various actions which we can perform on CosmosDB like get document,update documents,delete document,call stored procedure etc..(See below screen shot)  Let's perform Get a document action - Once you select it you need to create connection first to establish connection with your Cosmos DB. Few details required as below: Your cosmos DB account id and Access Key to your Azure Cosmos...

Calling an Azure AD secured Rest API from Power APP using Power Automate

So few days back I was working on a requirement where we needed to consume an Azure AD secured Rest API and display the response in Canvas based Power APP. Before starting make sure you will have below details ready as while creating custom connector, we will need these details. 1.Request URL : e.g . 2.Verb of your API : Get, Post etc.. 3. Query parameters appended to the Request URL. For example, in /items?id=####, the query parameter is id. 4. Custom headers that are part of the request if applicable(In my case I have custom headers). 5.As Rest API is using OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism so make sure you will have Client ID and client Secret 6. Tenant ID Alright so now you are ready to start adventure 😊 First you must create a Custom Connector. For that Go to Custom Connector from left navigation options from your Power APP home as below.  Now click on Custom Connector and click on + Crea...

Office 365 Suite of products

Office 365 as the name itself describes an amazing set of products where you can find the range of Apps which will fulfill all your business requirements and help you to run your business very efficiently. A lot of range of products comes under Office 365 Umbrella.We will discuss one by one all with the detail description and will go deep dive in terms of how it can  help you to grow your business and manage your day to day operations. What is Office 365 - Office 365 Suite is an online version of Microsoft Office Product Suite.So in nutshell Once you take the subscription of Office 365 then no need to install any Office software locally and no need to worry about any on premise maintenance and infrastructure cost because you will be using cloud based services and the infrastructure part will be taken care by Microsoft. Products comes with Office 365 Suite -  A number of enterprise products like SharePoint Online(for Intranet and Collaboration Team sites and Porta...